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Receive Proper Care for Hormone Imbalance

That sluggishness, pain, and even weight gain you're experiencing could be a symptom of hormones out of balance. Dr. Edward Kosoy of Advanced Preventive Medicine treats hormone imbalance in men and women in Denville, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas. To determine if your symptoms are hormone related, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kosoy.

A Widespread Problem

Today, well over 70 percent of the population born after the 1940s is made up of adults 35 years and older. Many of these adult men and women are experiencing the distressing symptoms of hormone deficiency. For women and men, hormone replacement therapy may provide relief.

Hormonal Issues for Men

While not drastic, most men experiencing andropause have some problems with hormonal deficiency and imbalances. As in women, hormone production in men declines with age. Testosterone production, in particular, declines precipitously in many men starting in middle age.

Man Smiling

Taking Blood Pressure

Declining testosterone production and the cascade of other hormonal imbalances that it triggers can cause a wide variety of medical problems an increase of abdominal fat and a decrease of muscle mass and strength. Also common is chemically induced not situational depression.

Many men experience a precipitous and disturbing decline in their sex drive, too. Declining and imbalanced hormone levels track closely with many age-related conditions in men, including:

• Diabetes
• High Blood Pressure
• Atherosclerosis (Heart Disease)
• Fatigue
• Loss Of Muscle & Bone Mass

Hormonal Issues for Women

Hormone imbalance can occur in a woman at any age, but the majority of hormone imbalances in women are age related. As you grow older, changes occur that decrease and imbalance hormones that are essential to a vital life.

Millions of women suffer from hormonal imbalances beginning in perimenopause. This is the first stage in the menopause process and continues through full menopause. Although menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55, some women enter menopause in their early thirties. Perimenopause symptoms include PMS, weight gain, depression, and fatigue.

Healthy Woman